Teach me something while I wait

Daniele Catalanotto
Jan 18, 2023
A Service Design Principle to turn "waiting" into "learning"

I'm using the design tool Canva to create some graphics. I'm happy with the result and click on the button to download the end result on my computer. Now a progress bar shows up... I have to wait. And as every human being I hate to wait.

Canva knows that, so instead of just showing me the progress bar, they use this moment to share with me a tip on how to use their software quicker (for example they teach me a shortcut) or they share a link to a resource that can interest me (for example a link to a course).

Now the waiting time feels much more like a learning time. And that makes it suck way less.

Action question

What are the waiting moments in your service? What tips or knowledge could you share in those moments, and how?

Daniele's notes

  • These are the very first rough notes for this principle.
  • One day, this principle might be part of a book in the series Service Design Principles.
  • Feel free to share opposing ideas, examples and feedback