Let me give a feedback in one tap

Daniele Catalanotto
Feb 19, 2023
A Service Design Principle to get more feedback

I'm reading the newsletter of my friend Kevin Richard. At the end of the newsletter Kevin thanks me as a reader and right below that two little button help me share a quick feedback. I can click on "More like this" or on "Less like this".

Obviously I click on "More like this" as the newsletter is very inspiring.

I find these two little buttons also pretty inspiring, as they make it possible for Kevin to gather a lot of feedback without asking much effort from his readers.

You can even go further. For example tools like One Click Feedback let you ask such questions with a simple button to answer. But instead of stopping there, they then bring the person to another page where they can give a bit of context to their answer if they wish.

That's something many companies do with their Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys. You know these surveys that ask: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our business to a friend or colleague?".

Once you have clicked on the number that fits your experience you often land on a page that asks something like: "Thank you! Why did you choose this score?".

Action question

What's a question you could ask that people can answer with a click of a button to get valuable feedback? What optional question would you ask to the curious ones?