The first interaction is a date.

Daniele Catalanotto
Jan 18, 2022
A draft about the importance of the first interaction and how to switch our thinking about it.
Often the first moments you go through in a service are pretty administrative. Imagine if we do the same for our first dates:

"Hi! Before we can go to the movies, please fill out these forms. Oh, and you need to send them by mail within the next 24 hours, or I'll cancel the date."

It's absurd for the start of a personal relationship. But it's sadly the norm for relationships with our customers.

In the book The Power of Moments, the author uses the first date analogy. In my own words, I would say it like this:

What if the first time you meet your customer, it is like a first date. Do you treat your customer differently than what you do today?

When you design the first moments of interaction between your brand, product or service and your customer, ask yourself:

How does this look like if it is more like a date? How do I show care and interest in this starting relationship? What's the charming thing to do that other services wouldn't do? What's the annoying thing that others do that I wouldn't do?

A few notes

  • I was able to reduce by 11% this new draft compared to the previous one.
  • Once adapted even more, this principle will be part of the book "Service Design Principles 201-300"


Deirdre Malone
Oct 13, 2022
Love it and it made me laugh šŸ˜‚ 
Daniele Catalanotto
Oct 15, 2022
Oct 27, 2022
Sadly, thatā€™s exactly what dating is like today! For me anyway, online dating is like applying for a job or ā€œapplyingā€ for a SaaS demo, etc. ā€”  cold, automated, impersonal. 

Fun story: I exchanged dmā€™s with one ā€œprospect,ā€ went thru a phone screening, then accepted his happy hour invite. Didnā€™t realize until later that it was a *group* date ā€” heā€™d invited another woman, too! šŸ¤£
Daniele Catalanotto
Oct 31, 2022
Oh wow! Didn't know that it's even the reality for romantic dates now! Definitely hope my wife will stick with me a little longer :P 
Daniele Catalanotto
Oct 31, 2022

The third draft of this Service Design Principle

Imagine if we handle our first romantic dates like we handle the first interactions in a service:

ā€œHi! Before we go to the movies, please fill out these 3 forms. Oh, and you need to send them by physical mail within the next 24 hours, or Iā€™ll cancel the date.ā€

Itā€™s absurd! But itā€™s sadly the norm for relationships with our customers.

The book The Power of Moments (1) suggests that we think of the first interaction with a customer as if it is a first romantic date.

So let me ask you.

How do you show care and interest at the start of the relationship? Whatā€™s the charming thing you do that other services donā€™t? Whatā€™s the annoying thing that others do that you wonā€™t?ā€


(1) Chip Heath and Dan Heath (2017). The Power Of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact. Simon & Schuster. Available at accessed 20 October 2022.

Danieleā€™s notes

  • This is the third draft of this principle.
  • Iā€™ve reduced the length of this principle by 33 % compared to the previous draft.