Let me add a personal note in any survey

Daniele Catalanotto
Aug 31, 2022

A Service Design Principle to make user research more personal and democratic.

Even the best survey creator can't think of every question that he needs to ask. That's why I always try to add this last question in every survey I send:

"Do you have anything else you would like to share?"

It's a simple question but a powerful one. Maybe someone adds some clarifications about an answer. Maybe someone tells you that there is an option missing in the list of choices in the survey. Maybe someone else shares more ideas. Maybe someone shares some links to articles or books that will help you out with you.

When you add this last question, people can answer the question you didn't think it was important to ask.

So yes, next time you send a survey: let people add a personal note.

Daniele's personal notes

  • This is the second draft of this Service Design Principle.
  • This length of this principle has been reduced by 19% compared to the first draft.
  • Once adapted, even more, this principle could be part of the book "Service Design Principles 201-300"
  • As always feel free to share comments, feedback or personal stories to improve this principle.

1 comment

Daniele Catalanotto
Oct 31, 2022

The third draft of this Service Design Principle

Even the best survey creator can't think of every smart question to ask. That's why I always try to add this last question in every survey I send: "Do you have anything else you would like to share?"

Someone may add clarifications about an answer. Another person might suggest you add an option to the list of choices. Someone could share a brilliant idea or share the name of a book that will help the research process.

So let me ask.

How can you help people outsmart you?

Daniele’s notes

  • This is the third draft of this principle.
  • I’ve reduced the length of this principle by 31 % compared to the previous draft.
  • I’ve added a conclusion question to help the reader turn this principle into action.