These are resources for later

It is really important to me that you first build one or two blueprints before you jump in these resources. It's by doing that you will learn the most. And know you have all the essential knowledge you need to get started.

These resources are not for everyone

Once you have built a few service blueprints, you can then come back here for more resources. I selected these resources for the very curious people who want to go further. These resources are not for everyone. They are more academic and technical and will go beyond this guide for lazy people. These service blueprints tips and techniques take more time, but are great if you want to go further.

Paper: Service blueprints Persistent qualities and future potential 

In this academic paper, Margrethe Haugen shares a historical overview of the service blueprint and compares it to how people use it today. Margrethe did really a great job because, even if this is an academic paper, it's simple to read and very informative.


Smaply is a paid tool that is specialized for the creation of service blueprints and other innovation frameworks like stakeholder maps and personas.

Advanced Service Blueprint template

I created another Service Blueprint in Notion, which is for more advanced people. You can get it for free here.

Practical Service Blueprint

Erik Flowers and Megan Erin Miller have created a version of the service blueprint, which they call the Practical Service Blueprint. They have also built a paid course that teaches it in more detail. Their work inspired the approach I teach in this course that you just finished. So if you want to go further, this is a pretty good resource.