Manyone's Service Design Process

A bit of context 

Manyone is A global strategy-design hybrid that combines strategy, creative thinking, and technology.

What I like about it 

  1. It shows the partnership between the agency and the client
  2. It has a "get shit done" approach with the "Design experiments"
  3. It comes with a special angle, what they call a "Worldview", at this stage as they say "the team identifies, refines, and agrees on critical worldview drivers to eliminate blindspots, curveballs, and barriers while maintaining speed throughout the process."

Go deeper 

You can find more details about this process on the Manyone website. There you'll also find a 4-minute long video interview with David Fellah, co-founder and co-CEO and Sofie Holstein-Homann, Global Partner, Head of Strategic Service Design, who present the process.