How I upgrade my video content with AI when I import it in my digital brain

In this article, I want to share how I'm using AI tools like Descript and Notion.Ai to upgrade some of the content when I import in my digital brain built with intercom

As I'm importing all of my Service Design content I've created in my new Service Design brain, I don't just copy and paste the content.

In fact, whenever there is a video, I try to create a text version of the video and a summary.

Why is text so important for my digital brain?

Having a text version of my videos allows a few smart usages for people using my Service Design digital brain.

People can search

Once I have a text version of the video, people can basically find content from the videos when they use the pretty powerful search feature of Intercom.

People can get an answer from the AI

The Fin Ai made by intercom answers questions people ask based on the text found in my digital brain. So by having a text version of the videos, the text gets used to answer questions people ask to the AI.

How it looks when a video is upgraded

A screenshot of an article with a video, summary and transcript in my service design brain

Under each video you can now see a bullet point summary and the video transcript in a toggle that you can open and close.

The two tools I use to upgrade my content when importing it in my digital brain

Descript to get video transcripts

A screenshot of Descript with the remove filer words feature

I'm using Descript to get the text of older videos which weren't transcribed yet. Descript also allows to: to create summaries

A screenshot of notion with the saved prompt for summarizing long content into bullet points

I'm using to create bullet point summaries of either:

  • Older videos (based on the Descript transcript)

  • Long articles

To create these summaries, I have saved an AI prompt as one of my favorties so that I don't have to type it over and over.

Here is the prompt it uses:

Make a summary with bullet points

Written on Sunday 10th of September 2023, by Daniele Catalanotto