Why I've built a landing page for my service design digital brain?

In this short article, I want to explain why I created an additional landing page with educational content for my Service Design digital brain.

In summary

With this landing page I can do a few things I can't do directly in Intercom, as at the moment, I can't customize much the home page of intercom. Here is what I can do with this particular landing page built with Podia:

  1. Show the hidden key feature at the start

  2. Educate people about the advanced features (Ai answers, advanced search, etc.)

  3. Show a few interesting searches

  4. Let people subscribe to the newsletter to get notified of new articles

  5. See all the backstage blog posts related to this project

Show the hidden key feature at the start

One of the key features that sold me into using Intercom to build my digital brain with all my service design content is the Fin Ai bot. This bot that lives in the chat bubble let's people ask a question in their own words and get an answer based on the content of my digital brain.

The problem is that this feature is a bit hidden in the Help Center of Intercom at the moment. So it was important to me that people saw directly that this exists. To make this happen, I shot a video of me using the Ai chat bot and then converted it into a GIF.

Educate people about the advanced features

The landing page allows me to visually show people some of the more hidden and advanced features of my digital service design brain. For example, I can show that

  • There is an AI that can answer your questions

  • When the AI answers a question you can go directly to the sources used for that answer

  • You can use the search feature with advanced trick like using quotation marks around multi-word terms to just get that exact term.

  • You can use the emojis in the titles of the articles to quickly scan through search results

  • You can share feedback to improve this knowledge base.

Show a few interesting searches

The big advantage of having all my service design content under one roof is that you can search through different types of content. For example you can search the word "Service Blueprint" and see questions, historical moments, etc.

Let people subscribe to the newsletter to get notified of new articles

I try to add at least 3-5 new articles to the my service design brain (that's not counting the old ones I'm importing). But at the moment I haven't a way in intercom to show what are the newest articles. That's something that I do in my newsletter.

So in the landing page people can subscribe to get a weekly summary of all the new service design content I've created and added to the my service design digital brain.

See all the blog posts related to this project

In the backstage blog I write about all the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes into building and running the Swiss Innovation Academy. In there, there are a few articles that are related to just this project of building a digital brain of all my service design content.

This landing page, therefore, allows me to give a quick overview of all these articles without overwhelming people with all the other backstage blog articles.

It also pretty valuable to me as it shows me a sort of timeline of how this project has evolved over the last months with all the experiments I've made.

Written on Sunday 10th of September 2023, by Daniele Catalanotto