Why is this book interesting to you?

Having the double whammy nuero-diversity super powers of ADHD and Dyslexia, I’m deeply impressed by this books simplified, and clear delivery. Easy to read and absorb.

The focus on relevant principles, easily remembered heuristics, over complicated systems and methodologies.

Essentially, great, bite-sized, and digestible info I can dip into any page of the book, and learn something new.  

For who isn't this book for or what parts sucked?

This isn't a book for people looking for a coherent step-by-step process in Service Design. There are other books that do that.

This is a book to develop a great common sensed service design mindset.

What other books would you recommend as companion to this one?

All of Danielles books are a great read, and are perfect for developing a mindset of Service Design. The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman is another great  book in developing that mindset.

If you're looking for a more developed understanding of process, Good Service by Lou Downes is a great next read, and then This is Service Doing for the tools that support the mindset.

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