How can I bring together a marketing approach and service design approach in my service blueprint ?

An illustration of a person photo shooting a huge smartphone in a photo studio

My two cents

A marketing approach is really great to focus on how people will hear about your service and how they will join it. A service design approach takes into account these moments but then continues to explore how to help people get the most of the service and even help them leave it.

We can easily mix both approaches by adding the steps of a classical marketing or purchase funnel (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) to the classical structure of a Service Blueprint (Aware, Join, Use, Develop, Leave).

A Service Blueprint mixed with a marketing funnel

If we do that, we basically, zoom in on the "Aware" stage of the service blueprint by adding some more steps inspired by the purchase funnel. This can give us the following structure for our blueprint:

"Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action, Use, Develop, Leave"

Service Blueprint resources

You can find all the Service Blueprint resources I've created here. This includes courses, templates and a library of external links and resources.

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