What are my favorite non Service Design books for service designers?
My two cents
These are 9 of my top 10 books of the moment that are not about Service Design but that I feel have deep lessons for anyone practising Service Design:
Atomic Habits: Helps you learn how to create stronger habits and can inspire you to create better services
Deep Work: Helps you to create a less distracting workplace.
Factfulness: Helps you to be more optimistic about the state of the world with a fact-driven perspective.
Human Kind: Helps you to be more optimistic (yes, we need that a lot)
Grit: Helps you realise that being a service designer or any other professional isn't so much about talent.
Radical Help: Helps you go from a paternalistic way of helping others to one where you really empower people (sounds cheesy when I write it like that, but it's a damn good book).
Risk Savy: Helps you better understand risks and be smarter with them.
The Checklist Manifesto: Helps you realise that a checklist is an amazing Service Design tool.
The Future We Choose: Helps you see that you actually can do something about sustainability.
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