How can you make the whole team benefit from personal coachings?

Illustration of two persons working together on a Miro whiteboard

My two cents

When coaching large teams, I like to offer remote personal coaching sessions to each individual. The needs of each person are obviously very different, so it's helpful to provide answers to their specific problems. But, I find it disappointing that people can't benefit from the learnings of others.

To address this, I use a Miro board to record notes for each personal coaching session. Then, I add a 2 to a 3-minute video summary of the most important ideas to each person's coaching session. All of this is accessible in one big Miro board that is shared with the whole team.

Screenshot of a Miro board where multiple coaching sessions are summarzied in video and with visual notes

This approach makes it possible for everyone to have their own personal coaching session while also learning from others' personal coaching sessions.

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