What tools do you use for your coaching sessions?

An illustration of a person choosing apps on a screen

My two cents

There are a few digital tools that I use for coaching sessions:

  • Calendly: to let people schedule a coaching session directly in my calendar and automatically send a Zoom invite.

  • Miro: to capture visual notes with sticky notes, draw out prototypes and ideas, and share links.

  • Zoom: to run the remote coaching session and be able to record a summary at the end of the coaching session. Also zoom let's me embed directly the Miro board within the call with the Miro zoom app.

How I use Miro in more details

I use Miro to create a visual note board where I put sticky notes that link to references, and sometimes I even draw diagrams or concepts. This helps me structure the thoughts that people share with me and show them what they have in their brain. It's also great to be able to give people a link to a summary of our conversation. And for people who like to have a PDF, Miro is also great as I can then just email a PDF with each frame of the coaching session as a different page in that PDF.

If I see the same person multiple times, I create a new frame for each coaching session in the same Miro board. This makes it possible for the person to have a sort of timeline of all the coaching sessions she had with me.

Usually, at the end of a coaching session, I already prepare the board for the next session. There, I write down or copy the sticky notes about the tasks that the person has decided to work on until the next session. So, a few weeks or months later, when I start the new coaching session with the person, I already have the notes ready and can ask the person how the different tasks went.

These days, even for in-person coaching sessions, I like to use Miro as it really creates an accessible archive of all the coaching content.

How I use Zoom in more details

I like to use a video call recording app. I can do this on most apps, but these days I use Zoom. I don't record the full coaching session, but I like to ask at the end of the session if the person is comfortable with me recording a summary of our coaching session.

Then, either she or I tell a little summary of the coaching session by showing the notes on the Miro board. Then I add to the Miro board the video summary.

Obviously, if the summary is done by the person who is coached, it's even better for her, as it helps her remember better what she just learned or decided to do.

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