▶️ How can I use my past career when transitioning to Service Design?

The original question

As a professional whose expereience's been in other Design fields transitioning to UX, I reframed previous projects in a UX context. I believe something similar could be used for Service Design.

Additional note

Even projects you did in the past as an architect use skills that are used in Service Design. So when you transition you can, for example in a portfolio, highlight what skills, technics, tools and mindsets that Service Designers use, you used in your previous practice.

In fact a lot of the design skills are the same between marketing, graphic design, UX design, product design, etc. Sometimes you just have to find how these things you do are called in another discipline to help people understand you already come with a lot of practice.

Natalia Riley's tips

The team at Snook wrote an article called "Transitioning Careers — Advice from the Snook Service Design team" In the article you'll find tips from Natalia Riley who pivoted into service design from an academic background in psychology and a career in communications and marketing strategy. Here a summary of her tips:
  1. Make it personal.
  2. Learn by doing.
  3. Create a portfolio.
  4. Show, don’t tell.
  5. Adopt the service design mindset.
  6. Be relentlessly curious.

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