▶️ How hard should you work on your Service Design Principles Library?

My two cents summarised in a list

  1. It's like an endurance sport: It's a practice you'll do over the years that's never really finished.
  2. 80% of low intensity: The goal is not to burn out but to improve over time.
  3. Do it like Emerson, who reached out to the South Pole first: Do the same amount every day no matter what. As learned in the book "Effortless".

In one graph

Source: TED talk by Stephen Seiler, see below

TED talk to go further

Book to go further

Read the book "Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most" by Greg McKeown.

A community question

This question was part of the fifth Service Design webinar: The Power of Principles. You can rewatch the full webinar for free with all the show notes and slides.

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Check out all the questions about how to create and use Service Design Principles.