Why am I not getting any interviews for service designer jobs?

An illustration of a person next to a huge exclamation mark

My two cents

If you don't get invited for interviews, there are basically two problems you might be faced with:

  1. You are not applying to enough job positions: that's easy to fix. Just apply for more job offers. The people I've coached to find jobs usually have that same problem. People are often way too picky when choosing job offers, instead of applying to dozens of them and then looking in the interview if the company is worth working for. Why do in-depth research to know if you want to work in a company if you are not sure yet they want to work with you,.

  2. Your application material isn't good enough: your CV, cover letter or portfolio doesn't make you look good. Here it takes a bit more work. But still, you can improve all these things by asking for feedback, looking at how others do it and reading tips about those elements.

It seems that Einstein once said:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

I think that's the biggest point here. If you don't get invited enough you need to change your approach, be it by applying more or improving your material.

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